An interesting set of presentations with notes for students and worksheets, including a section on the history of trading and money and activities for students to learn about managing budgets, business and money.
There are fourteen topics:
Why people trade
Bartering in the Ancient World
Money, trading and business words.
What is money?
The history of money
Things that we should all know about money.
Responsibility - looking after our money
Banks and banking
International Currencies
Going into business – A Business Plan
Different Types of Business.
Shares, Stocks and Bonds
Interest and Dividends
Each topic has slides, which indicate when to break for activities and activities related to those slides.
The first in a series of presentations and worksheets, this chapter focuses on
Why people trade
Students will discuss how the need for trade developed.
There is an exercise in which students will recall negotiating with others. There is also a drawing and labeling exercise.
The presentation can be used by the teacher to introduce and develop the topic, “Why People Trade”. The notes correlate with the presentation and are followed by the activities.